









Everything you need to know about China's deadly coronavirus1

In late 2019, a significant number of people in the Chinese city of Wuhan became infected2 with a new disease. A type of virus3 called coronavirus was recognized as the cause of this disease, which, following its initial4 wave in China, quickly spread to a number of other countries in Asia and elsewhere.

Coronavirus causes and symptoms5

The novel coronavirus that emerged6 in China late last year causes a medical condition in humans called COVID-197. This condition was first detected in several patients in Wuhan; thus, it is sometimes referred to as the Wuhan coronavirus. COVID-19 can be passed among humans. In addition, although people with the condition may exhibit8 no symptoms for up to 14 days or perhaps even longer, during this symptomless period, the virus can still be given to others. Together, these factors have enabled COVID-19 to spread rapidly.

Coronaviruses can cause a wide range of illnesses in humans, from mild conditions such as colds to far more severe9 ones. These viruses develop in animals before being passed on to humans. The virus that has led to COVID-19 is thought to have come from Wuhan's Huanan Seafood Wholesale10 Market, a market where many types of meat and living animals were being sold. Coronaviruses attack the human respiratory11 system, the system responsible for breathing. Therefore, common symptoms of COVID-19 include coughing and difficulty breathing, as well as fever in many cases.

The coronavirus spreads globally

After COVID-19 spread rapidly throughout Wuhan and other parts of China in December 2019, cases of the disease began to appear in other countries. Numerous12 cases have now been confirmed worldwide; furthermore, more than 3,000 of these cases had resulted in death by early March 2020. Owing to the rapid development of the disease, in early February 2020, the World Health Organization declared13 a Public Health Emergency of International Concern.

In early 2020, different countries responded in a variety of ways in an effort to control the spread of COVID-19. In Taiwan, many people took to14 wearing face masks to prevent infection15. The high demand16 for face masks forced the Taiwanese government to introduce new measures that permitted each citizen to buy no more than two masks per week. In addition, the government forbade17 all people from mainland China, as well as many from Hong Kong and Macau, from entering Taiwan.

In China, the government placed Wuhan (and several other cities in Hubei Province18) on so-called lockdown19, meaning that all public transport in the city was halted20, and no travel in or out of the city without special permission was allowed.

Countries outside Asia also adopted measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19. For example, the United States denied entry to anyone who had recently traveled to China, while in the United Kingdom, the government ordered that all of its citizens in Wuhan be brought back to the UK on special planes. Upon their return to the UK, these people were held at a special isolated21 location22 for a period of 14 days.

Sensible prevention23: stories surrounding the coronavirus

Fear of the Wuhan coronavirus has led some people to adopt novel methods of disease prevention. Keep in mind that not everything you read about how not to contract COVID-19 is necessarily true. Below are just a few common talking points surrounding the condition that have emerged.

  1. Do hand dryers kill the Wuhan coronavirus?

No. Probably the most effective measure to restrict the spread of the virus is regular use of an alcohol-based hand-cleaning gel24 or frequent hand washing with soap, after which a hand dryer or paper towel can be used to dry your hands.

  1. Can common house pets such as cats and dogs spread the virus?

Currently, there is no evidence25 to support that keeping a dog or cat in your home increases your risk of becoming infected. However, washing your hands after touching your pet is still advisable26.

  1. Does the Wuhan coronavirus affect only elderly people?

No; younger people can also become infected. However, those in a weak physical27 state or with other medical conditions may be affected more severely after catching COVID-19.

Further suggestions28 for disease prevention

In addition to frequent hand washing, there are a number of other measures you can adopt to reduce your chances of becoming infected with the coronavirus. For example, when you cough or sneeze29, cover your nose and mouth with your arm or with a tissue. If you choose a tissue, be sure to throw it away immediately after use and then wash your hands.

Another measure is to physically distance yourself from other people, especially those who exhibit symptoms of COVID-19. Also, try to touch your face as little as possible. This measure is advised because the coronavirus can easily be spread through contact between people's hands and objects carrying the virus. Not touching your face could prevent you from becoming infected. Finally, if you begin to display any symptoms of COVID-19, be sure to seek medical help as early as possible. Earlier detection30 of the disease could enable you to make a quicker recovery31 and prevent those around you from becoming infected.

Comprehension Check

1.(  )Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage? General Understanding

(A) Precautions people can take to protect themselves and other people.
(B) How much information about confirmed cases should be made public.
(C) What different countries do to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus.
(D) Reasons why the novel coronavirus has spread quickly around the world.


2.(  )According to the passage, which of the following statements is true? Key Details

(A) Those who keep a pet such as a cat or a dog are much more likely to carry the virus.
(B) People from Hong Kong are allowed to enter Taiwan as long as they wear a face mask.
(C) To check if you are infected with COVID-19, touching your face as often as possible is advisable.
(D) COVID-19 is sometimes called Wuhan coronavirus because the first patient was detected in Wuhan.


3. According to the passage, how many patients had lost their lives because of COVID-19 by early March 2020?

More than 3,000 patients had lost their lives because of COVID-19 by early March 2020.

4. Check the symptom(s) mentioned in the passage.

fever, breathing difficulties, cough

5. The following are the WHO recommendations to reduce the risk of coronavirus infection. They are similar to the suggestions mentioned in the passage. Find the proper words from it and fill in the blanks with them on the picture below.

(1) your nose and mouth

(2) symptoms of COVID-19

Vocabulary and Idioms

  1. coronavirus [kə`ronəˏvaɪrəs] 冠狀病毒
  2. infect [ɪn`fɛkt] 傳染;感染
  3. virus [`vaɪrəs] 病毒
  4. initial [ɪ`nɪʃəl] 最初的
  5. symptom [`sɪmptəm] 症狀
  6. emerge [ɪ`mɝdʒ] 出現
  7. COVID-19 [`kovɪd naɪ`tin] 嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎
  8. exhibit [ɪg`zɪbɪt] 顯現出
  9. severe [sə`vɪr] 嚴重的
  10. wholesale [`holˏsel] 批發的
  11. respiratory [rɪ`spɪrəˏtərɪ] 呼吸的
  12. numerous [`njumərəs] 許多的
  13. declare [dɪ`klɛr] 公布
  14. take to doing sth. 開始從事
  15. infection [ɪn`fɛkʃən] 傳染;感染
  1. demand [dɪ`mænd] 需求
  2. forbid [fɚ`bɪd] 禁止
  3. province [`prɑvɪns] 省份
  4. lockdown [`lɑkdaʊn] 封鎖
  5. halt [hɔlt] 停止
  6. isolate [`aɪsḷˏet] 隔離
  7. location [lo`keʃən] 地點
  8. prevention [prɪ`vɛnʃən] 預防
  9. alcohol-based hand-cleaning gel含酒精的洗手膠
  10. evidence [`ɛvədəns] 證據
  11. advisable [əd`vaɪzəbḷ] 明智的
  12. physical [`fɪzɪkḷ] 身體的
  13. suggestion [sə`dʒɛstʃən] 建議
  14. sneeze [sniz] 打噴嚏
  15. detection [dɪ`tɛkʃən] 發現
  16. recovery [rɪ`kʌvərɪ] 痊癒



  在2019年底,中國武漢市有許多人感染了新疾病。 一種被稱為冠狀病毒的病毒被認為是造成這種疾病的原因,隨著中國第一波的發病潮,此疾病已快速傳播到亞洲的其他幾個國家及其他地方。


  去年年底在中國出現的新型冠狀病毒會導致人類患上一種稱為COVID-19(嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎)的疾病。該病首次在武漢的幾名病患身上被發現;因此,它有時又稱為武漢冠狀病毒。 COVID-19可以在人類之間傳染。此外,雖然患有這種疾病的人在長達14天或更長的時間內可能沒有顯現出症狀,但在此無症狀期間,這株病毒仍然可以傳播給其他人。這些因素一起使得COVID-19得以迅速傳播。

  冠狀病毒會引起多種人類疾病,從像是感冒的輕症到更為嚴重的病。這些病毒在傳播至人類之前先在動物體內發展。導致COVID-19的這株病毒被認為來自武漢市的華南海鮮批發市場,該市場出售許多種的肉類和活體動物。冠狀病毒攻擊人類的呼吸系統,該系統主宰呼吸。因此,在許多的病例中, COVID-19的常見症狀包括咳嗽、呼吸困難,以及發燒。


















COVID-19 Video Worksheet





A. 影片前導提示 (Video Preview)

I. 影片學習單字重點 Vocabulary & Phrases
  1. coronavirus [kə`ronəˏvaɪrəs] n. 冠狀病毒
  2. cluster [`klʌstɚ] n. 串,叢,束,群
  3. investigation [ɪn͵vɛstə`geʃən] n. 調查
  4. previously [`priviəslɪ] adv. 事先;以前
  5. novel [`nɑvḷ] adj. 新穎的
  6. consist [kən`sɪst] v. 組成
  7. genetic [dʒə`nɛtɪk] adj. 遺傳的
  8. protein [`protiɪn] n. 蛋白質
  9. identify [aɪ`dɛntə͵faɪ] v. 辨識;辨別
  10. circulate [`sɝkjə͵let] v. 循環
  1. transmission [træns`mɪʃən] n. 傳播
  2. contaminated [kən`tæmənetɪd] adj. 汙染的
  3. contact [`kɑntækt] v. 接觸
  4. symptom [`sɪmptəm] n. 症狀
  5. mild [maɪld] adj. 溫和的
  6. severe [sə`vɪr] adj. 嚴重的
  7. diagnosis [͵daɪəg` nosɪs] n. 診斷
  8. vaccine [`væksin] n. 疫苗
  9. prevention [prɪ`vɛnʃən] n. 預防
  10. hygiene [`haɪdʒin] n. 衛生
II. 延伸補充單字片語 Words for Recognition
  1. pneumonia [nju`monjə] n. 肺炎
  2. respiratory [rɪ`spaɪrə͵torɪ] adj. 呼吸的
  3. gastrointestinal [͵gæstroɪn`tɛstɪnəl] adj. 胃腸的
  4. spillover [`spɪl͵ovɚ] n. 擴散效應(非預期)
  5. mortality rate 致死率
  6. PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) 聚合酶連鎖反應

B. 聽力策略 (Listening Strategy)

I. 尋找影片主旨 Find the main idea


In December 2019, there was a cluster of pneumonia cases in China. Investigations found that it was caused by a previously unknown virus, now named the 2019 Novel Coronavirus. In this video we'll take a quick look at what is currently known about the virus. Keep in mind this is a new virus, and what's known about the virus now might change in the future.

II. 關於影片內容 Identify the Supporting Details


1. (  ) Which are the possible symptoms of being infected with COVID-19? (多選題)






2. (  ) What is the correct picture that WHO suggested we follow up on?






3. (  ) According to the video, which of the following statements is true?

(A) Coronavirus is a new kind of virus which has just been discovered by scientists in 2019.

(B) The disease caused by coronavirus is always severe, and symptoms tend to be fatal in most cases.

(C) The initial case of COVID-19 occurred in a group of people with pneumonia, who'd been associated with seafood and animal markets in Wuhan, China.

(D) Scientists today have identified the animal species which transmitted COVID-19 to human beings.


4. (  ) What is the main idea of this video? Please check the correct answer.

(A) The cause of COVID-19.

(B) Background information about COVID-19.

(C) How to wash your hands to prevent the virus.

(D) The different type of respiratory disease caused by the virus.


5. (  )Please list three different types of diseases caused by coronaviruses, and when and where they got started.













5. (1) SARS (2) China (3) MERS (4) COVID-19 (5) 2019

6. According to the video, please fill in the blanks.

(1) protein spikes (2) envelop (3) genetic material



Step 1: Watch the news clip, “International Reports Praise Taiwan for Quick Action against Coronavirus (0:00–1:57).”

Step 2: Watch the news clip again and fill in the blanks with the words given in the box below.

Step 3: Check your answers and make sure each blank is filled in with the correct word.
















Taiwan’s handling of COVID-19 has made the front cover of the “Weekly Chosun,” a leading South Korean magazine. The cover of the latest issue 1. ____________ an image of President Tsai Ing-wen, and the headline “Block China. Learn from Taiwan.” The story inside praises the swift and 2.____________ steps Taiwan took to contain the coronavirus after China’s 3.____________.

On Thursday afternoon, President Tsai carried out an 4.____________ of face mask production lines in New Taipei City’s Wugu District.

President Tsai Ing-wen

To be honest, I am very happy. I'm glad we've been able to deepen the world's 5.____________ of Taiwan. The whole world has come to feel that Taiwan's government makes decisions quickly and that it takes preemptive action. So many countries see us as a model for 6.____________ containment. Now, in the second 7.____________ of our efforts, we will flex our manufacturing capabilities. It turns out that Taiwan is so 8.____________ that it's able to do half a year's work in 25 days. I believe that once word gets out, Taiwanese manufacturing will become even more 9.____________ in the world. Although Taiwan is not a big country, and although the scale of our industries is not large, what we can accomplish when we marshal our forces is truly 10.____________. Everyone here is part of the national team. Today the leaders of this country have come here to 11.____________ gratitude to all of you on the national team.

In recent days, experts in several countries have taken notice of Taiwan's preventative 12.____________.

It's the cover of a South Korean news magazine. The headline reads: “Block China. Learn from Taiwan.” The story praises Taiwan for its 13.____________ restrictions and face mask policy.

Japan's All-Nippon News Network 14.____________ the story of a map Taiwan made to show the status of mask supplies. The report put Japan's tech 15.____________ on the defensive as lawmakers asked if Japan would be able to do the same.

  1. features
  2. decisive
  3. outbreak
  4. inspection
  5. impression
  1. epidemic
  2. stage
  3. capable
  4. renowned
  5. extraordinary
  1. express
  2. measures
  3. border
  4. covered
  5. minister

Part 1: As more and more countries are grappling with COVID-19, Taiwan's efforts are gaining international recognition and being reported by media outlets all over the world. The following five aspects are viewed as effective measures that Taiwan has adopted. Read the news extracts and match each of them to an aspect.


Aspect A:Be proactive and ahead of the game.

Aspect B:Use technology to detect and track cases.

Aspect C:Ensure availability of supplies.

Aspect D:Keep information clear and transparent.

Aspect E:Learn from experience.


News Extracts



Taiwan leveraged its national health insurance database and integrated it with its immigration and customs database to begin the creation of big data for analytics. [. . .] It also used new technology, including QR code scanning and online reporting of travel history and health symptoms to classify travelers' infectious risks based on flight origin and travel history in the past 14 days. Persons with low risk [. . .] were sent a health declaration border pass via SMS [. . .] messaging to their phones for faster immigration clearance; those with higher risk [. . .] were quarantined at home and tracked through their mobile phone to ensure that they remained at home during the incubation period.

—extracted from “Response to COVID-19 in Taiwan: Big Data Analytics, New Technology, and Proactive Testing” on JAMA by Wang CJ, Ng CY, and Brook RH.

Source link: https://ltn.tw/QpSiGxc




Even though Taiwan has not been kept officially informed by the WHO about the epidemic, the Taiwanese government promptly undertook measures to prevent the spread of the virus in Taiwan in late December last year, and organized the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) in January 2020. Since the set-up of the CECC, it has been holding a press conference almost every day to announce the latest policy and information on the epidemic, and to clarify rumors that are circulating on social media.

—extracted from “The Coronavirus Outbreak: How Democratic Taiwan Outperformed Authoritarian China” on The Diplomat by Victor (Lin) Pu

Source link: https://ltn.tw/Eg8sWpG




On Dec. 31, the same day China notified the World Health Organization that it had several cases of an unknown pneumonia, Taiwan's Centers for Disease Control immediately ordered inspections of passengers arriving on flights from Wuhan. And despite poor relations with Beijing, Taiwan asked and received permission to send a team of experts to the mainland on a fact-finding mission [on] Jan. 12. [. . .] All this happened long before Taiwan confirmed its first case [on] Jan. 21 and the rest of the world became alarmed.

—extracted from “What Taiwan Can Teach the World on Fighting the Coronavirus” on NBC News by Cindy Sui.

Source link: https://ltn.tw/HYotLEO




(1) Taiwan moved fast because of its experience 17 years ago with SARS, or severe acute respiratory syndrome. That disease originated in China and jumped into other parts of Asia. It killed 73 people in Taiwan.

—extracted from “Why Taiwan Has Just 42 Coronavirus Cases while Neighbors Report Hundreds or Thousands” on VOA News by Ralph Jennings.

Source link: https://ltn.tw/2Ctg7zC


(2) The government, with its past experience of SARS, acted swiftly and did not wait for the World Health Organization to make an official announcement to take action. It first quarantined, then stopped, flights from China and other coronavirus-affected areas.

—extracted from “Taipei Seems to Have the Virus in Hand. Now I Worry about Returning to the UK” on The Guardian by Kathryn Whitfield.

Source link: https://ltn.tw/c4CIdPn




A team of machine-tool builders, working with three research institutes, have constructed 60 new production lines, each capable of manufacturing 100,000 surgical masks per day, the ministry said in a Facebook post. Normally, this many production lines would take four to six months to build, but the team completed the work in one month, the ministry said. This was “not a miracle, but the result of cooperation among Taiwanese,” the ministry said, adding that the “national team” completed “an almost impossible task.”

—extracted from “Virus Outbreak: Mask Production to Rise by 6 Million Daily Next Month” on Taipei Times.

Source link: https://ltn.tw/rRDpbIx


Part 2: On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being the poorest and 10 being the best), what score would you give to the government’s performance in the face of COVID-19? What could be done better?

I would give _________ (the score) because _____________________________________________________

However, it would be better if ___________________________________________________________________


1. B 2. D 3. A 4. E 5. C

Besides offering valuable lessons on how to curb the spread of COVID-19 to the world, we should also learn something from the experience. Discuss with your partner and share what you have learned so far as a high school student, a Taiwanese, and a global citizen. Organize your ideas into complete sentences.

As a high school student, I may protect myself by practicing everyday preventive actions now.

First, I may _______________________________________________________ if I still have to take public transportation regularly during the outbreak of COVID-19.

Second, I may _______________________________________________________ if I feel unwell at school during the outbreak of COVID-19.

As a Taiwanese, I could ________________________________________________________.

What's more, I can also ______________________________________________ to improve ______________________________________________ and fight off disease.

(Focus on one of the following aspects: Recession of the economy, the diplomatic struggles that the Taiwanese government is encountering during the outbreak of COVID-19, or any kind of difficulties that Taiwanese have been dealing with so far.)

As a global citizen, the most effective way to curb COVID-19 is ________________________


(Focus on whatever you like.)
